
Business Begins with Networking in Atlanta

Atlanta is undoubtedly a hotbed for businesses to get started and soar beyond expectations. The Southeast’s newly proclaimed, little Hollywood, the place where grinders, hustlers, movers, and shakers can put their dreams into action. One of the critical components to that success is great networking connections; Meeting the right people in the right places. Two monthly networking events you can count on Atlanta Southwest's Second Monday in...
Self Love

To All the Women Who Love Independence…

It can be confusing to know how to honor your divine feminine energy of letting a man be a provider while taking care of yourself with love and independence. However, from my own experience and the experiences of the women in healthy and fulfilling relationships with love, independence is more about feeling good about yourself than about getting a man. It’s so important for women to be solely responsible for creating their dream lifestyle...

Interview with Anthony Mboyane (FG Tony)

Finding out what you want to do in life can be quite the difficult experience. When many of us first encounter this all important question, it comes at a time where we are young and impressionable; college-aged youths with not much of an idea of how to navigate the real world quite yet. Nevertheless, we are asked to choose a specific skill to train in order to contribute to our rapidly-moving society, and although some might think they have it...

Obasi Art – A Celebration of Culture

Obasi Art is an Atlanta based company that  aims to create unique merchandise and art to enhance the beauty of ourselves and our spaces. We sat down with the owner, Omilade Adediran to learn more about her brand. What inspired you to create Obasi Art and share your art with the world? It was a calling, from the depths of my DNA, from centuries long ago, seemingly singing out to me. I heard the song, answered the call, and my art is that song...

Documentary Funding: The Fundraising Secret That Will Take You From Zero to $50,000

Filmmakers often have the fantasy that one big wealthy donor or a big foundation will write one big fat check to cover the full budget of the film. That can happen, however there's a secret fundraising strategy that is usually much more effective.  No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely...

How To Pitch Your Documentary Idea and Write an Effective Documentary Proposal To Get Funding

A documentary proposal is a powerful tool when trying to raise money for your documentary project. Learn what to include in a proposal and how to pitch your idea to potential funders. A documentary proposal is a powerful tool when trying to raise money for your documentary project. Learn what to include in a proposal and how to pitch your idea to potential funders. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but...

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